Cloud migration can bring tremendous transformation to an organization. Over the recent past, organizations in the public and private sectors have become confident that adopting cloud computing in Malaysia businesses offers the agility, cost-effectiveness and security necessary to promote digital transformation. Even so, many senior decision makers remain unaware of the nature of cloud computing and associated risks, which inhibits appropriate adoption of cloud services and potentially jeopardizes the future competitiveness of the organization.
As cloud providers continue to improve their services and cyber security rises, senior decision makers need to consider the following when planning to implement cloud services.
1. Are all stakeholders aware of the implications of the cloud model?
Ensure that the relevant stakeholders within your organization understand the implications of adopting a cloud computing model to their functions. Prepare to take the stakeholders through the relevant technical, procedural, and cultural changes.
2. A concise and cohesive cloud management approach.
With time, your organization is likely to adopt more cloud services across a number of deployment models. Developing a consistent approach to the management of these capabilities will help to enforce commonality and standardization whenever possible.
3. Legislative and regulatory requirements.
Evaluate the types of services and data that may require to be processed or stored in the cloud. Are there any legal or regulatory requirements on the data or services?
4. Security controls.
You need an appropriate security wrap to protect the integrity and availability of business functionalities and resources that are to be hosted in the cloud. A comprehensive risk assessment should be used to identify these security controls.
5. Have you conducted due diligence on the service provider?
Evaluate the cloud service provider with respect to accreditation, financial stability, ethical and independent checks, etc. It is advisable to use services such as Microsoft Azure Malaysia provided by Microsoft, a strong and seasoned company that has reliable
technical and financial backing.
6. Setting metrics for the success of the cloud migration project.
All the stakeholders need to agree on what will be used to quantify the benefits obtained from increased agility. This is especially important when implementing a private cloud.
7. Is application portability essential?
The design of the application, as well as that of the cloud, have an influence on portability across different clouds. If application portability is important to your business than you have to make sure that the cloud’s and application designs support this requirement.
8. Have you documented responsibility splits?
It is a usual mistake to find gaps in delivery responsibilities during cloud service implementation. Since most cloud providers offer standardized services, identify in advance responsibilities between your organization and the provider for seamless cloud migration and integration.
9. Use application best practices when developing cloud-native applications.
Your development team need to be aware of practices for making applications cloud-native for the success of the cloud implantation project.
10. Is the decision justifiable to your Board, customers, shareholders, etc?
Experts recommend taking The accountability test’. It involves senior decision makers in a cloud adoption project asking themselves if the worst comes to pass (like security being compromised), can the organization bear the risk?
Well, thought-out insights into the entire cloud implementation project can ensure that business runs smoothly and potential cloud performance problems are alleviated. Enfrasys provides IT business solutions for increased security, mobility and productivity. Reach out to Enfrays if you need services like Microsoft 365, or any assistance on Microsoft Azure implementation and other related issues when signing up for cloud computing Malaysia.