The Daunting Issue for Non-tech Companies – “How do I manage my data storage?”

Digital data storage for government agencies, small businesses and start-up companies that do not have any expertise on data technology can be a hassle. Data ranges from structured, non-structured, images, scanned documents, videos and part of the corporate history and DNA that needs to be presevered. The decisions and options for on-premise, cloud, and many other plans that vary in services and perks, could be a daunting task.

Although many small businesses, organizations, and agencies turned to on-premise software for their data storage in the past, is that really the best choice now with the insurgence of cloud services?

What is on-premise?

On-premise software or data storage solutions is locally installed at the site of the business. Much like its name, this type of software gives total ownership to the owner of the business where maintenance, upgrades, and security need to be done on site. It is up to the owner of the business to either maintain or upgrade his system whenever necessary. Additional upgrades or increase in data storage may need to be purchased later on. On-premise gives owners a sense of false security where at first it may seem cheap and sufficient but is not sustainable for a growing business in the longer run.

What is cloud service?

With cloud services, businesses still have total control over their data storage. However, a third-party provider will set up the data storage system of a company in a cloud environment where it is accessible on-site or remotely. Although many business owners mistaken accessibility as vulnerability in security, the cloud system is actually more secure than on-premise systems as the system is equipped with multiple disaster protocols for data security. The cloud allows companies to scale up and down depending on the companies’ usages and requirements. The maintenance and upgrades of the services will be done by the third-party provider can be tailored to companies’ needs, security level and budget.

For more information, set up a consultation with Enfrasys’ experts.

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